pak army ssg commandos operation, operation khyber 4, operation rad ul fassad. SSG COMMANDOS operation.

Operation proceeds with significant accomplishment the previous evening when troops including SSG effectively cleared the most elevated and craggiest peak Brekh Muhammad Kandao close Pak-Afghan outskirt. Numerous fear based oppressors murdered, few fled to Afghanistan. Psychological oppressors hang out disassembled, reserve of IEDs, arms and ammo recuperated.

Having cleared the best, the powers have built up posts on more than 12000 feet high element loaded with thick forestation. This peak was being utilized as primary perception point and its base as travel/capacity point. Psychological militants gave firm resistance yet couldn't manage against assurance of Pakistani troops. The peak was intended to be cleared minimal later according to introductory arrangement however with high beat operation it has been cleared well in front of arranged timings.
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