Pakistan is planning to conduct a series of missile tests of different categories over the next few days that would include short and medium range, cruise missiles, anti tank guided missiles, surface to air missile, surface to sea missile, sea to surface missiles and air to surface missiles.

    According to sources, short range ballistic missiles include Ghaznavi, Abdali-I, Ghauri-I, Shaheen-I while Medium range ballistic missiles (MRBM) include Ghauri-II, Shaheen-II, Shaheen-III, Ababeel
    In the category of Cruise missiles Babur-1 (Hatf -VII), Babur-2 (Hatf -VII) will be test. Anti-tank guided missile that will be tested include Baktar-Shikan.
    Sea to Surface Missiles Babur-3(Hatf VII) and Air-to-surface missiles Ra’ad (Hatf VIII), Ra’ad-II (Hatf VIII), Baktar-Shikan, H-2 SOW, H-4 SOW AND Barq will also be tested in the coming days.
    Pakistan has two missiles which it could use on the battlefield: The Hatf-1 and Nasr. The Nasr is designed to be used against Troops, Tank regiments and other ground based units. It has a range of 60 km and is capable of a payload of 0.5–5 kilotons.
    The Hatf-1 is an unguided subsonic battlefield range ballistic missile. Newer variants have been developed with longer range.
    The Ghaznavi a hypersonic surface to surface short range ballistic missile has a range of 400 km and can carry a nuclear warhead of around 700kg.
    The Ghauri is an intermediate range ballistic missile. It can carry a nuclear warhead of 700 kg and has a range of 1500km.
    The Shaheen series of missiles can carry a nuclear warhead weighing over a tonne of a range up to 3,000km.
    Pakistan has three Cruise missile active in its arsenal, one for each branch of armed forces, Army, Air Force and Navy.
    The Babur cruise missile is a surface to surface cruise missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead of 100kg and has a range of 700km.
    The Ra’ad cruise missile is an air to surface missile for the Pakistani air force. it has a range of 350 km and can give a payload of around 10–35kt. It can be deployed by their JF-17 fighter bombers. The Barq is a air to surface laser guided missile deployed by Pakistan’s Buraq drones.
    Pakistan Army (Air Defence) has inducted the Chinese-built LY-80 self-propelled surface-to-air missile system this March 2017.
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